Reis & Fontoura 2009 (Article) Brazil, Epiphyte
Diversidade de bromélias epífitas na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Serra do Teimoso - Jussari, BA
Author(s):—J.R.M. Reis & T Fontoura
Publication:—Biota Neotropica 9(1): 73-79. (2009)
Abstract:—Vascular epiphytes are frequent in mesic habitats and mid-elevation regions. The present study investigated the diversity and species composition of epiphytic bromeliads in the Natural Reserve of Serra do Teimoso (RNST) located in a transitional area between ombrophilous and semideciduous forests. Adapted from the “Rapid and Representative Sampling of Vascular and Non-vascular epiphyte Diversity of Tropical Rain Forests” protocol, our survey method used eight phorophytes of Cariniana legalis (Martius) Kuntze found between 284 and 573 m a.s.l.. We registered 19 morphospecies and 526 bromeliad groups. Almost one third of the species were classified as widely distributed and 27.3% are endemic to southern Bahia. Shannon index was 2.2 nats.ind–1 and the estimated number of species in this area was 25 (SD = ± 3.5). Most C. legalis harbored a similar abundance and species composition of epiphytes, which was dominated by Hohenbergia and Aechmea species. This study registered the occurrence of three species that are new to the state of Bahia, and one genus was collected for the first time in the RNST. Results are in accordance with the known pattern of lower epiphytic diversity in drier locations. Since all new records are exclusive to the crowns of large trees, the sampling of these new records was only possible because climbing techniques were used. Compared to other methodologies for floristic surveys, the one employed here demanded lower sample effort and yielded similar results. Large trees play an important role for epiphytes due to the concentration of species and individuals on them. Thus, the utilization of canopy methodologies in other field surveys would be desirable to sample appropriately epiphytes in large trees.
Keywords:—conservation, semideciduous forest, epiphytes, Atlantic Rain Forest, Bromeliaceae.