Foissner & Stoeck 2013 (Article) animals
Morphology of Bromeliophrya quadristicha n. spec., an Inhabitant of Tank Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), and Phylogeny of the Bromeliophryidae (Ciliophora, Tetrahymenida)
Author(s):—W. Foissner & T. Stoeck
Publication:—Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 60(3): 223-234. (2013) — DOI
Abstract:—Abstract Using morphological, morphometric, and molecular methods, we describe Bromeliophrya quadristicha n. spec. from tank bromeliads of Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. The new species differs from the single congener, B. brasiliensis, mainly in having four (vs. 2) left lateral kinetofragments, 23 (vs. 32) ciliary rows, and a short (vs. long and C-shaped) adoral membranelle 3. Both the morphological and molecular phylogenies show Bromeliophrya and Glaucomides as sister group of the Glaucomidae. Thus, they should have the same (family) rank.
Keywords:—Biodiversity, Dominican Republic, Glaucomides spp., Jamaica, ontogenesis