<- Quezada et al. 2018 (Article) chile, cam

Crassulacean acid metabolism and distribution range in Chilean Bromeliaceae: Influences of climate and phylogeny

Author(s):I.M. Quezada, E. Gianoli & A. Saldaņa

Publication:Journal of Biogeography 45(7): 1541-1549. (2018) — DOI

Abstract:—Abstract Aim Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a widespread physiological adaptation to drought. CAM is common in plants distributed in arid regions, such as Bromeliaceae species. In Chile, latitude is an accurate predictor of climate, with increasing temperature and decreasing moisture towards north. Northern species of Chilean bromeliads mainly show CAM photosynthesis, while southern-distributed species rely on the C3 pathway. We evaluated the influence of latitude and associated climatic variables on the adoption of photosynthetic pathways by Chilean bromeliads, accounting for phylogenetic relatedness. We expected a significant relation between photosynthetic pathway and the latitudinal limits of species? distribution ranges, independent of phylogeny. Location Data from Bromeliaceae species native to Chile (latitudinal distribution range: 15°S to 43°S). Methods We gathered information on geographical ranges and isotopic discrimination data (?13C, an indicator of photosynthetic pathway) of Chilean bromeliads. We evaluated whether ?13C values were related to latitude, temperature and precipitation using separate multiple linear regressions in northern and southern distribution limits of Chilean bromeliads. To account for phylogeny, we performed phylogenetically independent contrasts. Results In the south, ?13C values were not significantly correlated with latitude, temperature or precipitation. In the north, ?13C values were significantly correlated with latitude and annual precipitation. After phylogenetic correction, both variables were still significantly associated with ?13C. Main conclusions In Chilean bromeliads, for those taxa reaching northernmost latitudes both aridity and other factors associated with latitude are probably the main drivers of adaptive evolution of CAM photosynthesis while advancing towards their present limits in arid regions. Phylogenetic relatedness also influences CAM photosynthesis in this lineage.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, central Chile, Crassulacean acid metabolism, latitude, photosynthesis, phylogeny