<- Cascante et al. 2020 (Article) Werauhia

First description of the nocturnal flowers of the little-known Werauhia haberi (Tillandsioideae) and notes about its natural history

Author(s):A. Cascante M., C. Trejos & J.F. Morales

Corresponding email:drjfranciscomorales@gmail.com

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society Int. 69(1): 6-14. (2020)

Abstract:—Flowers have a central role in sexual reproduction of higher plants and their morphology provides essential information for taxonomists. The ephemeral and delicate design of flowers often prevents their proper preservation in botanical specimens. Flowers lose their characteristic morphology after pressing and drying, reducing their utility for plant identification. The nocturnal behavior and short life-span of some flowers prevent collection of fully-opened flowers during day time when botanists usually perform their duties. Because of this, floral morphology of some rare and poorly collected bromeliad species has been scarcely documented and, in some cases, it is unknown at all. Knowledge of floral structure is relevant for the proper placement of species in its taxonomic group and in understanding the reproductive ecology and phylogenetic relationships.