Till et al. 1997 (Article) Glomeropitcairnia
Notes on the genus Glomeropitcairnia
Author(s):—W. Till, H. Halbritter & G. Gortan
Publication:—Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(2): 65-72. (1997)
Abstract:—Grisebach (1864) described the earliest member of this genus as Tillandsia pendulijiora, Baker (1889) transferred it to Caraguata, and Wittmack (1890) followed him. Mez (1896) placed it in its own subgenus of Pitcairnia which he named Glorneropitcairnia. Not until 1905, when Mez described the second species, did he recognize Glornempitcairnia as a distinct genus within subfamily Tillandsioideae. These few examples demonstrate how much the leading Bromeliad experts of those days had been puzzled by the half-inferior ovary, the imperfectly dehiscent capsule, and the pappiformously biappendaged seeds, all being features characterizing this genus.