Kromer et al. 2006 (Article) Bolivia
Distribution and Flowering Ecology of Bromeliads along Two Climatically Contrasting Elevational Transects in the Bolivian Andes
Author(s):—T. Krömer, M. Kessler & S. Herzog
Publication:—Biotropica 38(2): 183–195. (2006) — DOI
Abstract:—We compared the diversity, taxonomic composition, and pollination syndromes of bromeliad assemblages and the diversity and abundance of hummingbirds along two climatically contrasting elevational gradients in Bolivia. Elevational patterns of bromeliad species richness differed noticeably between transects. Along the continuously wet Carrasco transect, species richness peaked at mid-elevations, whereas at Masicur most species were found in the hot, semiarid lowlands. Bromeliad assemblages were dominated by large epiphytic tank bromeliads at Carrasco and by small epiphytic, atmospheric tillandsias at Masicur. In contrast to the epiphytic taxa, terrestrial bromeliads showed similar distributions across both transects. At Carrasco, hummingbird-pollination was the most common pollination mode, whereas at Masicur most species were entomophilous. The proportion of ornithophilous species increased with elevation on both transects, whereas entomophily showed the opposite pattern. At Carrasco, the percentage of ornithophilous bromeliad species was significantly correlated with hummingbird abundance but not with hummingbird species richness. Bat-pollination was linked to humid, tropical conditions in accordance with the high species richness of bats in tropical lowlands. At Carrasco, mixed hummingbird/bat-pollination was found especially at mid-elevations, i.e., on the transition between preferential bat-pollination in the lowlands and preferential hummingbird-pollination in the highlands. In conclusion, both richness patterns and pollination syndromes of bromeliad assemblages varied in distinct and readily interpretable ways in relation to environmental humidity and temperature, and bromeliad pollination syndromes appear to follow the elevational gradients exhibited by their pollinators.
Keywords:—bats; Bolivia; Bromeliaceae; diversity; hummingbirds; pollination; tropical montane forest