Apodaca & Guerrero 2019 (Article) Tillandsia, Epiphyte
Why is the geographic distribution of Tillandsia recurvata (Bromeliaceae) expanding to the south?
Author(s):—M.J. Apodaca & E.L. Guerrero
Publication:—Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 54(2): 255-261. (2019) — DOI
Abstract:—Background and aims: The geographical distribution of Tillandsia recurvata ranges from the southern United States to the center of the Argentine. The aim of this work is to report the presence of this species 200 km south of its known distribution and to discuss the causes that may have led to this range expansion.
M & M: Specimens were collected in different locations in the province of Buenos Aires. Herbaria collections, on-line databases and bibliography were analyzed to corroborate the taxonomic identification and the distribution limit of the species.
Results: We present novel records of Tillandsia recurvata that extend its geographic distribution 200 km towards the South, being the locality of Tandil the southernmost site of occurrence.
Conclusions: Because the dates of collection and observations are recent, we consider that this advance occurred in the last decades. Possible causes are discussed, such as climate change and lignification of the Pampas.Keywords:—Groves, Celtis tala forest, Climate change, Epiphytes.