<- Manzanares 2019 (Article) Racinaea

A New Species of Racinaea (Tillandsioideae: Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador

Author(s):J.M. Manzanares

Corresponding email:jose_manzanares@hotmail.com

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 68(2): 73-77. (2019)

Abstract:—In 1996 I had the opportunity to study the forest of the Cordillera de los Guacamayos thanks to PROBONA (Programa Regional de Bosques Nativos Andinos). The principal objective was to make the inventory of the Bromeliaceae and to see the possibilities of growing the most ornamental ones for sale to get funds to preserve the forest. During the same expedition we also found a new Guzmania which we named after de Director of PROBONA, Javier Izko, Guzmania izkoi Manzanares & W. Till published in the J. Bromeliad Soc. 50(1): 17-19 (2000).

Keywords:—Key Words: Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae, Racinaea, Ecuador.

Published names (1):
Racinaea cresporum