<- Versieux 2018 (Article) Alcantarea

Contradicting Yourself In Taxonomy: New Evidence Allows the Recognition of an Overlooked Alcantarea Species Hypothesis from Bahia, Brazil

Author(s):L.M. Versieux

Corresponding email:lversieux@yahoo.com.br

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 68(1) 11-20. (2018)

Abstract:—Alcantarea vandenbergii Versieux, sp. nov.
It is not common for a taxonomist to contradict his/herself or to admit his/
her faults or misinterpretations of data. Usually, taxonomic decisions depend upon
the amount of evidence (data) available and will reflect the knowledge available for a
group of organisms and by a taxonomist at a particular time. Nevertheless, as more
data is gathered it is possible to revise your own decisions and conclusions. Currently,
there is a trend to treat species as a scientific hypothesis (Pante et al. 2015, Assis et al.
2018), which can be tested in different moments, confirmed, rejected or revised. This
means that, as with any scientific hypotheses, it may be corroborated by data or not,
and even better, may be re-evaluated or re-presented in face of new evidence. In this
paper, I will describe a new species (or species hypothesis) of Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae,
Tillandsioideae), based on specimens that I have previously examined and cited in
recent revisions (Versieux & Wanderley 2010, 2015) as belonging to Alcantarea nahoumii
(Leme) J.R. Grant.

Published names (1):
Alcantarea vandenbergii