Hromadnik 2005a (Separate Publ.) Tillandsia [bi-lingual]
The Tillandsia tectorum complex
Author(s):—L. Hromadnik
Publication:—Deutsche Bromelien-Gesellschaft (2005). ISBN: ISSN 0724/0155
German title:—Der Verwandtschaftskreis um Tillandsia tectorum
Pages: 120 Illustrations: 84 colorphotos, 16 drawings Size: 16x23 cm
Published names (11):Tillandsia chusgonensis
Tillandsia heteromorpha var. rauhii
Tillandsia krahnii x malyi
Tillandsia lithophila
Tillandsia malyi
Tillandsia oblivata
Tillandsia stellifera
Tillandsia tectorum forma gigantea
Tillandsia tectorum var. globosa
Tillandsia tectorum var. viridula
Tillandsia tomekii
Taxonomy:—Tillandsia rupicola Considered a good species to its own right. Note: The photo of the type referred by Rauh 1981 shows clearly that it is, on no account, one of the forms of T. tectorum. In addition to the unicoloured, bright violet petals, the plant has a short and globular inflorescence that is not present in T. tectorum. For many years, the Brazilian T. sucrei was confused with T. rupicola. This shows the sort of problems that need to be addressed. The description (in Italics) in Smith and Downs (1977: 865) has been amended by adding characteristics (in Roman type) from plants found at the type locality. The protologue for T. rupicola refers to a "simple,... very multifarious spike". Smith & Downs (1977: 865) shows 'depauperate compound'. We have found that at least the lowermost spikes consist of two fertile, i.e. well developed flowers, so the inflorescence is actually compound. (p.81).