Coser et al. 2010 (Article) Brazil
Bromeliaceae Juss. nos campos rupestres do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Author(s):—T.S. Coser, C. Coelho de Paula & T. Wendt
Corresponding email:—
Publication:—Rodriguésia 61(2): 261-280. (2010) — DOI
Abstract:—This study reports the floristic survey of Bromeliaceae in the “campos rupestres” of Itacolomi State Park
(PEI), located in the southern region of the Espinhaço Range, between the cities of Ouro Preto and Mariana,
Minas Gerais state. Random collections of fertile material were done monthly between July 2006 and June 2008. In the “campos rupestres of PEI, the family is represented by 21 species distributed in 11 genera and three subfamilies. Key for species, descriptions, illustrations, phenological and habitat observations, geographic distribution and comments about the taxa are presented.Keywords:—floristic, rocky fields, conservation status