<- Garcia & Beutelspacher 2017 (Article) Tillandsia

Una nueva especie de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) de Chiapas, México

Author(s):R. García-Martínez & C.R. Beutelspacher B.

Corresponding email:rommelbeu@hotmail.com

Publication:Lacandonia 11(1): 19-28. (2017)

Abstract:—A new species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) with yellow-greenish spikes is described and illustrated, from Chiapas state. The new species, is similar to Tillandsia concolor Lyman B. Smith, however, there are differences in size, and number of the spikes in the inflorescence, color, shape and size of the floral segments, as the hábitat. We discused the differences and added a distribution map

Keywords:—epiphyte, fasciculatoide, scaly flowers, Quercus forest.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia nayelyana