<- Espejo et al. 2017 (Article) Mexico

Bromeliad Flora of Chiapas State, Mexico: richness and distribution

Author(s):A. Espejo-Serna, A.R. LÓpez-ferrari, N. MartÍnez-Correa & V.A. Angélica Pulido-Esparza

Publication:Phytotaxa 310(1): 1–74. (2017) — DOI

Abstract:—The current knowledge of the Bromeliad Flora of the state of Chiapas, Mexico, is presented. Based on the study of 5,495 herbarium specimens corresponding to 3,233 collections, and in a detailed bibliographic revision, we conclude that the currently known Bromeliad Flora of Chiapas comprises 133 species and 14 genera. With 21 endemic taxa, corresponding to the genera Hechtia (1 sp.), Pitcairnia (7 spp.), and Tillandsia (13 spp.), Chiapas occupies the second place in endemism after Oaxaca. The catalog of the species, as well as generic and specific identification keys, and distribution maps of all taxa are included.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Endemism, Floristics, Mexico

Taxonomy:Aechmea bracteata var. pacifica The specimens of Aechmea bracteata (Sw.) Griseb. from Chiapas and from all the Pacific Coast has been located in the var. pacifica. However, the revision of nearly 400 specimens collected throughout the country, has led us to conclude that it is not possible to separate the species into varieties, because there were no uniform morphological and ecological characters that made it possible to clearly differentiate them. We do not consider any varieties in that species. (p.62).—Greigia juareziana Considered a different species as Greigia oaxacana L.B. Smith, and from Chiapas it is only G. juareziana. (p.63).—Hechtia ghiesbreghtii Considered a good species on its own (p.63).—Hechtia meziana Confirmed as a synonym of Hechtia rosea E. Morren ex Baker (p.63).