<- Smith & Downs 1977 (Book) Brazil

Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae).

Author(s):L.B. Smith & R.J. Downs in Flora Neotropica

Publication:—Hafner Press, New York (1977).

Pages: 663–1492 Illustrations: 255 drawings Size: 16x24 cm

Published names (7):
Tillandsia baileyi*
Tillandsia bryoides *
Tillandsia capillaris x rectangula
Tillandsia carnosa var. brevistipitata
Tillandsia meridionalis *
Vriesea morreniana x*
Vriesea pereziana var. canescens*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked

Taxonomy:Caraguata magnifica Considered a synonym of Guzmania osyana (E.Morren) Mez (p.1321).—Catopsis Lectotype designaated Tillandsia nutans Swartz (p.1366).—Catopsis morreniana Lectotype designated: Lliebmann Brom. 18 (C) (p.1379).—Catopsis oerstediana Considered a synonym of Catopsis hahnii Baker (p.1378).—Catopsis pendula Catopsis paniculata E.Morr. Type: Makoy Hortus s n (LG? n v). The Morren Icon cited by Baker is evidently drawn from this plant of which no herbarium specimen appears to have been kept. Syn.: Catopsis pendula Baker Type: Morren Icon (K) That means that if there is no Makoy Hort. s.n. specimen that Smith did a lectotypification for C. paniculata and C. pendula is a homotypic synonym. (p.1376).—Diaphoranthema virescens as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Encholirium jonghii Treated as a synonym of Vriesea jonghei (K. Koch) E. Morr. (p.1122).—Guzmania altsonii Treated as synonym of Guzmania pleiosticha (p.1317).—Guzmania multiflora Lectotype designated: André 2970 e p (K) (p.1294).—Guzmania nigrescens Shows as synonym of Guzmania coriostachya (p.1330).—Guzmania quitense Listed as synonym of Guzmania melinonis Regel (p.1332).—Guzmania rosea Considered a synonym of Guzmania sprucei (André) L.B.Sm. (p.1356).—Mezobromelia fulgens Lectotype designated: Steyermark 54430 (lecto GH; syn F) (p.1366).—Platystachys ehrenbergii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia utriculata L., but also to Tillandsia ehrenbergii (K. Koch) Klotzsch ex Mez (p.971).—Renealmia spica multiplici, flore albo Considered a synonym of Tillandsia polystachia (L.) L. (p.923).—Thecophyllum acuminatum Considered a synonym of Vriesea stenophylla (Mez & Wercklé) L.B. Sm. non Vriesea acuminata Mez & Werckle (p.1182).—Thecophyllum kupperi Treated as a synonym of Vriesea ororiensis (Mez) L.B.Sm. & Pittendr. (p.1181).—Thecophyllum lehmannianum Considered a synonym of Guzmania mosquerae (Wittm.) Mez (p.1343).—Tillandsia aeranthos var major treated as a synonym of Tillandsia aeranthos (p.833).—Tillandsia anceps Lectotype (designated here):—Plate 771 in Bot. Cab. 8 (1823) (p.848).—Tillandsia astragaloides Considered a synonym of Tillandsia tenuifolia L. var. tenuifolia (p.829).—Tillandsia australis nom. nov. for T. rubra sensu Grisebach (p.719).—Tillandsia botterii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia tricolor Schlechtendal & Chamisso var. tricolor (p.939).—Tillandsia bracteata Aechmea sp., possibly Aechmea fasciata (Lindley) Baker (p.1067).—Tillandsia bradeana Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia brachycaulos Schlchtd. (p.1000).—Tillandsia brigittalis Description inadequate. Except for the naked petals the description fits Vriesea capituligera (Grisebach) L. B. Smith & Pittendrigh fairly well. In the very young material of the type the petal scales could have been missed. (p.1067).—Tillandsia buchii Treated as a synonym of T. fasciculata var. venosispica Mez (p.949).—Tillandsia capillaris var. ɣ incana as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma incana (p.894).—Tillandsia coarctata Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia bryoides Griseb. ex Baker (p.879).—Tillandsia coarctata var. pedicellata Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia bryoides Griseb. ex Baker (p.879).—Tillandsia comata = Aechmea sp. (p.1067).—Tillandsia compressa Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia fasciculata var. venosispica (p.949).—Tillandsia cordobensis as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma cordobensis (p.895).—Tillandsia cordobensis as synonym of Tillandsia capillaris forma cordobensis (p.895).—Tillandsia costaricana Considered a synonym of Tillandsia excelsa Grisebach (p.727).—Tillandsia costaricensis Considered a synonym of Tillandsia excelsa Grisebach (p.727).—Tillandsia cryptantha Treated as a synonym of T. brachycaulos Schlechtendahl .—Tillandsia cucaensis Treated as synonym of Tillandsia makoyana Baker (p.973).—Tillandsia cylindrica Considered a synonym of Tillandsia langlasseana Mez (p.934).—Tillandsia cylindrica Considered a synonym of Tillandsia bourgaei Baker (p.941).—Tillandsia decumbens Synonym of Cyanotis decumbens Wight (Commelinaceae) (p.1067).—Tillandsia dependens as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia dependens forma percordobensis as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia dependens forma perusneoides as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia dependens var. α perusneoides as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia dependens var. β percordobensis as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia dependens var. sanzini as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.896).—Tillandsia dielsii Treated as a synonym of T. pendulispica Mez .—Tillandsia divaricata .—Tillandsia drepanoclada Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker (p.968).—Tillandsia erectiflora Considered a synonym of Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Wittmack var. procera (p.1206).—Tillandsia erubescens Excluded taxon, description inadequate (p.1067).—Tillandsia festucoides Lectotype designated: Brongniard in Paris Hort. (P) (p.915).—Tillandsia funckiana Treated as a synonym of T. andreana E. Morren ex André (p.910).—Tillandsia fuscoguttata Considered a synonym of Tillandsia ionochroma André ex Mez (p.746).—Tillandsia gayi formerly taxon number 14-116 (p.773).—Tillandsia geniculata Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia dasiliriifolia (p.968).—Tillandsia goyazensis Treated as a synonym of T. didisticha (p.800).—Tillandsia gracilis Unplaced taxon (p.1068).—Tillandsia graminifolia Lectotype (designated here): Martin s.n. (lecto BM) (p.852).—Tillandsia hamaleana Lectotype designated: Plate 5 in Belgique Hort. 20 (Apr–Dec 1870) (p.842).—Tillandsia hieronymi as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia hieronymi var. lichenoides treated as a synonym of Tillandsia capillaris forma virescens. Thence to Tillandsia virescens (p.896).—Tillandsia hilaireana Considered a synonym of Tillandsia pohliana (p.817).—Tillandsia inflata Listed in part as synonym of Vriesea heterostachys (Baker) L.B.Sm. (as to Matrial [Binot] and plate, but not as to basionym of Wawra) (p.1216).—Tillandsia inflata Synonym of Vriesea inflata (Wawra) Wawra (as to basionym, not as to material illustrated) (p.1214).—Tillandsia intermedia placed as a synonym to T.paucifolia (circinnata ) .—Tillandsia ixioides var. occidentalis Considered a synonym of the type variety (p.821).—Tillandsia juncea = Agave geminiflora Ker-Gawler (Amaryllidaceae) (p.1067).—Tillandsia lacera Considered a synonym of Vriesea heterandra (André) L.B.Sm. (p.1188).—Tillandsia laevis = ? Pitcairnia flammea Lindley var. flammea (p.1067).—Tillandsia lichenoides as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Tillandsia limbata Considered a synonym of Tillandsia flexuosa Swartz (identification by C.Mez) (p.977).—Tillandsia lindenii var. caeca x Considered a man made hybrid (p.846).—Tillandsia lorifolia = Nidularium sp. (p.1067).—Tillandsia melanocrater Was treated as a variety of T.tricolor Schlcht. & Cham. but the differences are good enough to treat it as a separate species. Tillandsia tricolor has typical glabrous floral bracts with distinct lepidote apices, while T.melanocrater has glabrous bracts. It is smaller with the inflorecence between the leaves, while in T.tricolor the peduncle of the inflorescence mostly exceeds the leaves. .—Tillandsia mezii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia seemannii Baker (p.1022).—Tillandsia moreliana = Billbergia vittata Brongn. ex Morel (p.1067).—Tillandsia myosura var. saxicola as synonym to Tillandsia gilliesii Baker (p.884).—Tillandsia osyana = Billbergia sp. (p.1068).—Tillandsia osyana = Billbergia sp. (p.1068).—Tillandsia parvispica Treated as a synonym of T. polystachia (L.) L. (p.923).—Tillandsia pedicellata Treated as a synonym of T. bryoides Grisebach ex Mez .—Tillandsia permutata as Tillandsia capilaris forma incana (p.894).—Tillandsia plicatifolia Considered a synonym of Tillandsia crispa (Baker) Mez (p.1024).—Tillandsia polystachia = Aechmea distichantha Lemaire forma distichantha (p.1068).—Tillandsia propinqua as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Tillandsia propinqua as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma hieronymii (p.896).—Tillandsia propinqua var. β saxicola as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris var. incana (p.894).—Tillandsia pseudoananas = Freycinetia sp. (Pandanaceae) (p.1068).—Tillandsia pusilla as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Tillandsia recurvata as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma cordobensis (p.895).—Tillandsia recurvifolia Formerly treated as a synonym (14-174) of T. rosea Lindley (p.822).—Tillandsia retrorsa Considered a synonym of Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker. Preservation of the type doubtful, species typified by description and illustration (p.855).—Tillandsia rhododactyla Lectotype designated: GUYANA. Barima River, Northwest district, Mar. 1896, Jenman 7071 (lectotype BRG, isolectotypes B, K) (p.1088).—Tillandsia roezlii Smith considered E.Morren (1877) the author of the species, it is not know if he knew about the Ortgies publication. He typified the species with the Morren description and plate in absence of a herbarium specimen. (p.705).—Tillandsia rosea = Aechmea recurvata var. ortgiesii (Baker) Reitz (p.1068).—Tillandsia saxatilis = Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb. (p.1068).—Tillandsia scaposa Lectotype designated Standley 63065 (GH) (p.913).—Tillandsia schreiteri Treated as a synonym to Tillandsia sphaerocephala (p.778).—Tillandsia schumanniana Considered a syanonym of Tillandsia adpressa var. tonduziana (p.1050).—Tillandsia seemannii var. mezii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia seemannii Baker (p.1022).—Tillandsia serrata = ? Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb. (p.1068).—Tillandsia setacea listed as synonym of Tillandsia fasciculata var. venospica Mez (p.949).—Tillandsia setacea Considered a misinterpretation of Tillandsia juncea (Ruiz & Pav.) Poir. (p.916).—Tillandsia setacea Considered a misinterpretation of Tillandsia linearis Vell. (p.802).—Tillandsia simplexa Formerly treated as a synonym of Tillandsia dasyliriifolia Baker (p.968).—Tillandsia simulata Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia bartramii Elliott .—Tillandsia smithiana Considered a sysnonym of Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. (p.697).—Tillandsia spinosa = ? Aechmea bracteata (Sw.) Griseb. var. bracteata (p.1068).—Tillandsia splendens Lectotype designated: Leprieur s.n. in Paris Hortus s.n. (lecto P, iso K!); Mélinon s.n. in Paris Hortus s.n. (syn P) (p.1217).—Tillandsia stolpi as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Tillandsia straminea Treated as a synonym of T. purpurea Ruiz & Pavon .—Tillandsia terminalis = ? Nidularium billbergioides (Schult.f.) L.B.Sm. (p.1068).—Tillandsia tetrasticha Considered an Aechmea spec. indicated by the plate (p.1068).—Tillandsia tortilis treated as a synonym of Tillandsia ehrenbergeri (K.Koch) Klotzsch ex Mez (p.1015).—Tillandsia tweedieana This automatically became the lectotype when Baker (Hanbook Bromel. 225) indicated that the only other syntype, Glaziou 16467, was probably a different species. (p.1202).—Tillandsia undulifolia Treated as a synonym of T. crispa (Baker) Mez (p.1024).—Tillandsia unispicata = ? Aechmea nudicaulis var. cuspidata Baker (p.1068).—Tillandsia uyucensis Considered a synonym of Tillandsia guatemalensis L.B. Sm. (p.721).—Tillandsia uyucensis forma minor Considered a synonym of Tillandsia guatemalensis L.B. Sm. (p.721).—Tillandsia variabilis Excluded taxon based on inadequate description (p.1068).—Tillandsia variegata = ? Billbergia amoena var. amoena (Loddiges) Lindley (p.1068).—Tillandsia viminalis Considered a synonym of Vriesea viridiflora (Regel) Wittm. ex Mez (p.1159).—Tillandsia vincentiensis = ? Pitcairnia sulphurea Andrews (p.1068).—Tillandsia virescens var. sanzini treated as a synonym of Tillandsia capillaris foorma virescens. Thence to Tillandsia virescens (p.896).—Tillandsia viscidula Considered a synonym of Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Wittmack var. procera (p.1206).—Tillandsia wangerinii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia ionochroma André ex Mez (p.746).—Tillandsia williamsii as synonym of Tillandsia capilaris forma virescens (p.895).—Tillandsia wilsoni Formerly treated as a synonym of Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Mez (p.950).—Tillandsia xiphioides Type voucher probably none existant. Species adequately typified (designated here) by original description and plate (p.815).—Tillandsia xiphioides var. arequitae treated as a synonym of Tillandsia arequitae (p.813).—Tillandsia zebrina non hortus ex Baker Handb. Bromel p 17 1889 Considered a synonym of Vriesea splendens (Brongn.) Lem. (p.1217).—Visci modo arboribus indicis adnascens treated as a synonym of Tillandsia utriculata (p.971).—Viscum caryophylloides maximum, capitulis etc. trated as a synonym of Guzmania lingulata var. lingulata (p.1349).—Viscum caryophylloides maximum, capitulis in summi treated as a synonym of Tillandsia circinnata. Thence Tillandsia paucifolia (p.996).—Vriesea albiflora Lectotype designated: BRAZIL. Acre: Rio Juruá-Mirim, June 1901, Ule 5615 (lectotype MG) (p.1088).—Vriesea alfarovii Considered a synonym of Vriesea sanguinolenta Linden ex Cogniaux & Mrchal (p.1148).—Vriesea attenuata Considered a synonym of Vriesea stenophylla (Mez & Wercklé) L.B. Sm. (p.1182).—Vriesea attenuata Nom. nov. for Thecophyllum acuminatum L.B.Sm. non Vriesea acuminata Mez & Wercklé (p.1182).—Vriesea botteri synonym of Tillandsia tricolor var. tricolor (14-275a s3) nomen. Tillandsia xiphostachys sensu Baker, Handb. Bromel. 170. 1889; in part, as to synonymy, not as to Grisebach, 1865. (p.939).—Vriesea carinata x psittacina == Vriesea x morreniana hort. ex E. Morren (p.1228).—Vriesea catharinensis Considered a synonym of Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Wittmack var. procera (p.1206).—Vriesea diminuta Considered a synonym of Vriesea subsecunda Wittm. (p.1157).—Vriesea ensiformis Lectotype designated: Original parchment plate of Flora fluminensis in the Manuscript Section of the Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, published in 3rd Iconograph: Vellozo (1831: tab.129). (p.1230).—Vriesea fibrosa Lectotype designated: VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Cerro Sipapo (Paraque), frequent along open banks of lower Cano Negro, 25 December 1948, Maguire & Politi 27912 (lectotype US, isolectotype NY) (p.1163).—Vriesea gracilis Considered a synonym of Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Wittmack var. procera (p.1206).—Vriesea hamata Treated as a synonym of Vriesea fenestralis Linden et André (p.1121).—Vriesea kupperi Treated as a synonym of Vriesea ororiensis (Mez) L.B.Sm. & Pittendr. (p.1181).—Vriesea longicaulis var. secunda treated as a synonym of Vriesea longicaulis (p.1113).—Vriesea minarum placed in synonym to Vriesea atropurpurea Alvaro Silveira (p.1232).—Vriesea pachyspatha Considered a synonym of Vriesea gladioliflora Wendland (p.40).—Vriesea princeps Considered a synonym of Vriesea gladioliflora Wendland (p.40).—Vriesea psittacina var. morreniana == Vriesea x morreniana hort. ex E. Morren (p.1228).—Vriesea rostrumaquilae Considered a synonym of Vriesea incurvata Gaudich. (p.1212).