<- Smith & Downs 1974 (Book)

Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae)

Author(s):L.B. Smith & R.J. Downs in Flora Neotropica

Publication:—Hafner Press, New York (1974).

Pages: 1 – 660 Illustrations: 212 drawings Size: 16x24 cm

Published names (2):
Abromeitiella lorentziana*
Pitcairnia bromeliifolia var. incertaesedis*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked

Taxonomy:Dyckia brevifolia In the absence of any type specimen, the excellent plate with floral analysis can be taken as the type (designated here). Brazil without further locality (p.537).—Dyckia ferruginea DYCKIA FERRUGINEA Mez emend. L.B.Smith & E.Pereira, Bradea 2: 324-5. 1979 A descriptione originali staminibus exsertis differt. BRASIL. Mato Grosso. Jacobina, 10 July 1892, Kuntze s n (NY, holotypus);Camizao, vertical walls of red sandstone, 24 September 1940, M B. & R.Foster 1082 (GH, US).; Jaciara to Rondonopolis, July 1968, Reitz 6891 (HBR, US); Mun. Aquiduana, Piraputanga, Lajeados do arenito (xerofito), flor creme, petalas amarela, 11/VIII/1970, Hatschbach a Guimaraes 24566 (MBM, US); Serra da Bodoquena, cult. 25.7.1978, R. Burle¬Marx s n (HB, emendationis basis). Originally we planned to describe Burle-Marx Br.7 as a new species because its exserted stamens immediately distinguished it in recent keys from all other species except D. insignis Hassler and D. exserta L.B.Smith. From these it differs in its very short pedicels and dense¬ly lepidote inflorescence. However, it became evident that the flowers of the type of Dyckia ferruginea Mez were all immature and indistinguishable from those of the immature apex of Burle-Marx Br.7. The areas of Dyckia ferruginea, insignis and exserta indicate that the character of exserted stamens is probably of taxonomic value. .—Dyckia tomentosa Considered a synonym of Dyckia maritima Baker (p.511).—Encholirium Encholirion is a orthograpic variant of Encholirium (p.646).—Encholirium montevidense treated as a synonym of Dyckia remotiflora (p.527).—Fosterella weberbaueri listed as a synonym of Fosterella schidosperma (Baker) L.B. Sm. (p.208).—Hechtia argentea Lectotype (designated) (p.596).—Hechtia bracteata was treated as a synonym of Hechtia schottii (p.593).—Hechtia gamopetala Considered a synonym of Hechtia glomerata Zuccarini (p.597).—Hechtia ghiesbreghtii Considered a synonym of Hechtia glomerata Zuccarini (p.597).—Hechtia liebmannii Considered a synonym of Hechtia podantha Mez (p.580).—Hechtia macrophylla Considered a synonym of Hechtia scottii Baker ex Hemsley (p.593).—Hechtia morreniana Considered a synonym of Hechtia glomerata Zuccarini (p.597).—Hechtia myriantha Listed as synonym of Hechtia schotti Baker ex Hemsley (p.593).—Hechtia pringlei Treated as a synonym of Hechtia stenopetala Klotzsch (p.586).—Hechtia tehuacana Cited as synonym of Hechtia podantha in Smith & Downs (p.580).—Lindmania micrantha treated as a synonym of Fosterella micrantha (p.204).—Pitcairnia albucifolia Treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia spicata (Lam.) Mez (p.334).—Pitcairnia burchellii Considered a synonym of Pitcairnia lanuginosa Ruiz & Pav. .—Pitcairnia corcovadensis Previously treated as a variety of Pitcairnia flammea .—Pitcairnia flavescenta Pitcairnia flavescentia corrected to flavescenta (flavescentus) (p.354).—Pitcairnia furfuracea nom illeg for Pitcairnia latifolia Aiton (p.300).—Pitcairnia jaliscana Considered a synonym of Pitcairnia karwinskyana Schult. & Schult.f. (p.430).—Pitcairnia klotzschiana Considered a heterotypic synonym of Pitcairnia moritziana C.Koch & C.D.Bouché (p.294).—Pitcairnia nigra Type: Palais du Luxembourg in Paris Hortus (not found but well characterized by the original plate [but see André 1888!] (p.385).—Pitcairnia redouteana nom. nov. for Pitcairnia angustifolia Redouté (p.300).—Pitcairnia redouteana Erroneous assumption by Beer (1857) that P. bromeliifolia was not correctly named (p.295).—Pitcairnia staminea Lectotype designated (p.1142).—Pitcairnia werckleana Considered a synonym of Pitcairnia brittoniana Mez (p.383).—Pourretia frigida which is obviously some species of Puya that has blue petals and comes from Colombia (p.516).—Puya alpestris lectotype designated .—Puya floccosa var. floccosa Type: Linden Hortus; not found and probably none preserved. The only logical lectotype (designated here) would be: Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia, Schlim 1101 (lectotype, BR; isolectotype, G). (p.103).—Puya mollis Lectotype designated: Bang 1629 (lectotype: K, isolectotypes: BM, GH,US) (p.123).—Puya species treated as a synonym of Puya gigas (p.120).