<- Braun & Esteves 2016a (Article) Bromelia [German]

A new species of the Cerrado of Central Brazil: Bromelia superficialis

Author(s):P.J. Braun & E. Esteves P.

Corresponding email:cacti@terra.com.br

Publication:Die Bromelie 2016(3): 125-131. (2016)

German title:—A new species of the Cerrado of Central Brazil: Bromelia superficialis

Abstract:—The genus Bromelia is quite common in the campos cerrados of the highlands of central and western Brazil. Generally the species occur in more dry region, often as xerophyte associated with species of Cactaceae. The here described new species Bromelia superficialis is also a typical representative of the Cerrado biome. The very open Cerrados in that region are under a very hot and dry climate in the months April to October. Up to now the new species was found in Cerrado biome on both sides of the Rio Araguaia in Goiás and Mato Grosso, in Mato Grosso at some locations close to Ribeirão das Piabas and along the Rio Javaés in Tocantins. Up to now the species seems to be endemic to this border triangle. The species grows terrestrial in scattered colonies, sometimes beside rivers and lakes in periodically overflooded areas. Other sympatric growing bromeliads are e.g. Aechmaea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker and some Tillandsia species in the trees. The new species was encountered several times in the years 2007–2009 by Eddie Esteves Pereira and his son Dr. Richard Esteves Pereira when they travelled for fishery in the Araguaia region. In the area of the Ribeirão das Piabas (Mato Grosso) the species grows sympatric with a Cereus (Cactaceae).

Published names (1):
Bromelia superficialis