<- Gouda & Moonen 2002 (Article) Aechmea, Rocky Outcrops

Bromeliaceae on Inselbergs in the Guianas

Author(s):E.J. Gouda & J. Moonen

Publication:J. Bromeliad Soc. 52(1): 25-34. (2002)

Abstract:—My special interest in Inselbergs (rocky outcrops in the primary Amazonian forest) started with collections from a friend of mine, Joep Moonen, from a group of Insetbergs in northeastern French Guiana. These Inselbergs are dominated by mat vegetation composed of Aechmea, which is a new phenomenon for the Guianas. Mats of Pitcairnia (especially P nttda and P sastrei) were already known, but this phenomenon with large Aechmea species is new and possibly unique

Published names (1):
Aechmea melinonii x polyantha