Luther & Norton 2007b (Article) Guzmania
A new rose-pink bracted Guzmania species from Northwestern Ecuador.
Author(s):—H.E. Luther & K.F. Norton
Publication:—Journal of the Bromeliad Society 57(3): 112-114. (2007)
Abstract:—A number of superficially similar species of Guzmania with long laminate primary bracts and congested fascicles of flowers have been lumped with Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Smith & Pittendrigh. Features useful in separating some of the “satellite” taxa are often obscured or destroyed in dried, pressed specimens. The new species presented below differs from G. squarrosa s.s. by a combination of indumentum, pigmentation and flower morphology features
Published names (1):Guzmania kareniae