Cogliatti 2008 (Article) Brazil
Bromeliaceae species from coastal restinga habitats, Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Bahia
Author(s):—L. Cogliatti-Carvalho, T.C Rocha-Pessőa, Nunes F. A.F. & C.F. Duarta R.
Publication:—Check List 4(3): 234-239. (2008)
Abstract:—Bromeliaceae is one of the most representative plant families in restinga habitats. We analyzed the species richness and composition of Bromeliaceae in 13 restinga habitats along the Brazilian coast. We found a total of 41 species distributed along the restinga habitats studied. The restinga of Praia do Sul, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, had the highest number of species (15), whereas the restinga of Abaeté, in the state of Bahi a, had the lowest (4). Our data are suggestive that the Doce River may re present the limit of distribution for some bromeliad species, with some species occurring only south of that river and others occurring only to the no rth of it. The differences in Bromeliaceae species composition among restinga habitats probably are not only due to diff erences in local environmental conditions, but also due to the geographic distribution pattern of each species and to the present degree of disturbance at each restinga .