<- Dorneles et al. 2014 (Article) Dyckia

Dyckia racinae L. B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae): morphological description emphasizing the reproductive structures

Author(s):M.P. Dorneles, J.M. Santos de O. & T.S. do Canto D.

Corresponding email:linneau@yahoo.com.br

Publication:IHERINGIA, Sér. Bot., Porto Alegre 69(2): 397-404. (2014)

Abstract:—This study presents an analysis of the external morphology and anatomy,
especially of the micromorphology of reproductive organs that are important for
characterizing Dyckia racinae L.B.Sm. The presence of a parietal U-shaped thickening in
the endothecium and in the connective differ from other Dyckia species. Characteristics of
pollen grains and ovules, indicated by micromorphology of the sporoderm and structure of
the chalazal appendix, respectively, are similar to other species, and useful for characterizing
the genus. Preferences for rocky soils, besides leaf characteristics and infl orescence structure,
approximate D. racinae to D. cabrerae Smith & Reitz in the main dichotomous keys for
the genus. Considering that Dyckia racinae is endemic in Rio Grande do Sul, and that the
original description of the species was proposed based on a single cultivated individual, it
is clear that the characteristics described in the present study, based on individual species
analyzed in their natural environment, are important botanical contributions

Keywords:—anther, endemic species, ovule, taxonomy