Masrua et al. 2015 (Conference Paper) Encholirium
Floral biology of E. erectiflorum L. B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae-Pitcairnioideae) at Sete Cidades National Park, Piaui
Author(s):—M.L. Masrua, G. Sousa, A.V. Lopes, B.A. Aguiar, E.S. Soares & A.C. Silva in Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66.
Publication:— (2015).
Abstract:—In the Americas, the Bromeliaceae family performs a valuable functional role as it offers resources continuouslywhich ensures the dynamics in ecological processes of different groups biological, such as hummingbirds, bees and bats. The genus Encholirium is exclusively distributed in Brazil. It occurs associated with inselbergs,in the regions of Brazilian scrub and savanna vegetation, and the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. The aim of this study was to analyze the floral biology of E. erectiflorum, a species of large abundance at Sete Cidades National Park (PI). We recorded the flowering period as between May to July (2012), and also performed an analysis of the floral morphology, duration of anthesis and as well the volume of nectar produced, stigmatic receptivity, viability pollen, the ratio of pollen/ ovule and observation of pollinators at the maximum peak flowering of the species under study. We selected 30 flowers for each test, among them, pollen viability using carmine staining method 2% acetic acid, the stigma receptivity by 0.25% permanganate solution potassium (KMnO4) and for the determination of the ratio of pollen / ovule. Analyzing Encholirium erectiflorum morphologically, the species was found to present orange flowers; ovate, obtuse, green sepals with brown spots; oblong petals, orange; isodynamos stamens, longitudinal dehiscence; a tricarpellate, trilocular ovary; spiral-duplicated stigmas. Flower opening begins at 17h, when flowers initially expose the stigma, which is already receptive. However, anther dehiscence comes only from 7 am the next morning to early flower opening. The production of nectar starts at about 5pm, though not continuously, and the volume decreases as time passes, ceasing at approximately 11am. Pollen viability is considered high (96.86%). Based on the pollen / ovule ratio being considered high (1256.86), it is believed that the reproductive system of individuals is by cross breeding. Analyzing the ecological processes, Apis melifera L. is considered an effective pollinator species, followed by Trigona spinipes Fabricius, as an occasional pollinator and Chlorostilbon lucidus Shaw, ratedas a nectar thief, because it collects nectar without contacting reproductive structures. The species has the aid of pollinators, but there is the possibility of self pollination. Thus, the species presents a dichogamous, protogynous reproductive system which there is early maturing of the female reproductive whorl.
Keywords:—Floral Biology; Encholirium; Bromeliaceae.