<- Gonzalez 2014 (Dissertation) Tillandsia

Las Bromeliaceae del Eestado de Morelos, Mexico

Author(s):E. González-Rocha

Corresponding email:aes@xanum.uam.mx

Publication:— (2014).

Abstract:—The Bromeliaceae family comprises 58 genera and 3,348 species distributed in t ropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. In Mexico, the family is represented by four subfamilies: Bromelioideae, Hechtioideae, Pitcairnioideae and Tillandsioideae with 19 genera and ca. 400 species. A taxonomic treatment for Bromeli aceae in Morelos state is presented, including keys and descriptions for the genera and species. Each taxon includes: synonymy, voucher herbarium specimens for each municipality as well as municipality distribution, elevation, vegetation type, phenology, phorophytes, maps of current and potential distribution and photographs of the plants. We have found six genera and 35 species , representing 8.75 % of the 400 taxa reported for Mexico. The genera with most species are Tillandsia (20), Hechtia (5), and Pitcairnia (4); whereas Catopsis and Viridantha have two taxa r espectively, and Bromelia has a single species. Hechtia chichinautzensis , H. montis - frigidi, Pitcairnia sp. 1, P. sp. 2 and Tillandsia sp. 1 and T. sp. 2 are endemic to Morelos. For the first time we have recorded in Morelos four taxa , two of the genus Catopsis with C. nutans and C. paniculata , and two of Tillandsia : T . juncea , the first three widespread in the country , and T. langlasseana only known from Guerrero, Estado de M é xico and Michoac á n. It is worth mentioning that we have collected plant material of six new species not described until now, belonging to Hechtia (2), Pitcairnia (2) and Tillandsia (2) g enera . Morelos has 33 municipalities, of which Tepoztl á n hosts 60 % of the recorded sp ecies, followed by Cuernavaca, Puente de Ixtla and Tlayacapan that concentrates between 31 and 37 %. Among the eight vegetation types of Morelos, the riches t in bromeliads is the tropical deciduous forest with 19 taxa , followed by oak forests with 17 taxa . T hree species inhabit in specific locations on cliffs or rock walls in cloud and oak forests. Twenty two species are epiphytic and 42 taxa of phorophytes was recorded, the species of Quercus has 15 epiphytic bromeliads and the Bursera species has 10.

Pages: 282

Published names (2):
Tillandsia caputmedusae x hubertiana
Tillandsia caputmedusae x ionantha

Taxonomy:Tillandsia cryptantha Considered a good species to its own right (p.163).