<- Madrinan 2015 (Article) Puya

Una nueva especie de Puya (Bromeliaceae) de los páramos cercanos a Bogotá, Colombia

Author(s):S. Madrińán

Corresponding email:samadrin@uniandes.edu.co

Publication:Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. 39(152): 389-398. (2015) — DOI

Abstract:—A new species of Puya from the páramos in the vicinity of Bogotá, Colombia, is described. Puya loca differs from all known species of the genus Puya by its ferrugineo-tomentose bracts and sepals abaxially, and deep-purple colored petals. It is, until now, endemic to small isolated patches of páramos North-East of Bogotá, in the Chingaza Páramo Complex. It forms dense mats of rosettes on rocky cliffs. The new species is compared to other known species from the surroundings of Bogotá, as well as to species with similar colored flowers from other regions.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Chingaza Complex, Cerro Tunjaque, Páramos, Puya loca.

Published names (1):
Puya loca

Taxonomy:Puya loca No explicit English or Latin Diagnose given, but a shortened diagnose in the English summary. If this can be considered the diagnose is not clear. .