Alvarado et al. 2013 (Article) Colombia [esp]
Bromeliceae en Algunos Municipios de Boyacá y Casanare, Colombia
Author(s):—V.M. Alvarado-Fajardo, M.E. Morales-Puentes & E.F. Larrota-Estupiñán
Corresponding email:—
Publication:—Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 37(142): 6-18. (2013)
esp title:—
Abstract:—In this article, the Bromeliaceae from different regions within Boyacá and Casanare, review from herbarium and field work. There were registered 66 species in 10 genera. The most representative genera are Tillandsia with 25 species / 38%, followed by Guzmania with 11/17%, Racinaea with 9/14% and the rest of genera with less than three species each one. We considered specie near threatened to Guzmania goudotiana. Finally, a key to species is included.
Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Boyaca, Casanare, diversity.