<- Aguirre-Santoro & Michelangeli 2015 (Article) Disteganthus

Two new species of Disteganthus (Bromeliaceae) from Suriname and French Guiana

Author(s):J. Aguirre-Santoro & F. Michelangeli

Corresponding email:jaguirre@nybg.org

Publication:Brittonia 67(3): 233-242. (2015) — DOI

Abstract:—Two new species of Disteganthus (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) are described and illustrated. Disteganthus gracieae is described to place specimens previously misidentified as Disteganthus lateralis, but that differ substantially from this species by their gradually narrowed leaf blades, slender inflorescence rachis, long-pedicellate flowers, long-connate sepals, and glabrescent ovaries. Disteganthus morii is described from recent collections in central Suriname and can be distinguished from other species in the genus by its narrow leaves and densely floccose, long flowers. Because these new additions increase the number of species of Disteganthus from two to four, an updated description of the genus, including a taxonomic key and a general overview of the geographic distribution of the species, is presented.

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae, Disteganthus, French Guiana, Suriname

Published names (2):
Disteganthus gracieae
Disteganthus morii