<- Koch et al. 2015 (Article) Brazil

Checklist de Bromeliaceae da região da Volta Grande do Xingu, Pará, Brasil

Author(s):A.K. Koch & A.L. Ilkiu-Borges

Corresponding email:anakbio@gmail.com

Publication:Rodriguésia 66(2): 455-464. (2015) — DOI

Abstract:—In this paper is showed a checklist of the species of Bromeliaceae of the Volta Grande do Xingu (Pará, Brazil), where is provided a identification key for the region species, and your respective status of conservation when available. The material used in this study was obtained through the activities of the Project Rescue and Scientific Utilization of the Flora of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, executed by Norte Energia S.A and
in the collection of herbarium MG. In the study area, Bromeliaceae is represented by 20 species and seven genera. Tillandsia and Aechmea were the most representative.

Keywords:—Brazilian Amazon, Belo Monte, Poales.