<- Alves & Marcucci 2015 (Article) Cryptanthus

Nomenclatural correction in Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietrich. (Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae).

Author(s):M. Alves & R. Marcucci

Corresponding email:alves.marccus@gmail.com

Publication:Rodriguésia 66(2): 661-664. (2015) — DOI

Abstract:—Nomenclatural correction in Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietrich. (Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae). A nomenclatural correction of the author name of Cryptanthus zonatus, an endemic species of Northeastern Brazil, is provided. A new synonym of this species is also proposed.

Keywords:—Atlantic Forest, Monocotyledons, Poales, taxonomy.

Taxonomy:Cryptanthus fosterianus Considered a synonym of Cryptanthus zonatus (Vis.) Vis. (p.662).