<- Buneker et al. 2015 (Article) Tillandsia, Brazil

Tillandsia leucopetala, a new species of Bromeliaceae from Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil

Author(s):H.M Büneker & K.P. Soares

Corresponding email:henriquebuneker@mail.ufsm.br

Publication:Phytotaxa 202(2): 143–148. (2015)

Abstract:—Tillandsia leucopetala H. Büneker, R. Pontes & L. Witeck is an endemic saxicolous new species from Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. It is described, illustrated and data about its geographic distribution and ecology are provided.

Keywords:—Taxonomy, Tillandsia subg. Anoplophytum, Tillandsia tenuifolia complex

Published names (1):
Tillandsia leucopetala