Acebey et al. 2006 (Article) Bolivia
Aráceas y bromeliáceas de Bolivia
Author(s):—A. Acebey, M Kessler, B. Maass & T. Krömer
Publication:—Botánica Económica de los Andes Centrales 2006: 434-448.. (2006)
Abstract:—This study presents a synthesis of useful species of Araceae and Bromeliaceae from the Andean forests of Bolivia, including their categories of uses, state of knowledge and further perspectives. In each of the families, 18 multipurpose species were selected from the 63 Araceae and 75 Bromeliaceae identified, in order to evaluate their potential use considering the following ecological indicators: frequency of occurrence, cover, distribution, habitat specificity, life form, and vertical distribution in forest strata related to the difficulty of harvest. Floristic inventories carried out in plots of 20 x 20 m at 28 locations in the Bolivian Andes were analysed. The study sites include humid and dry inter-Andean, and also the Andean foothill forest. Three aroid and five bromeliad species were identified, which mostly are widespread, are frequent, relatively abundant, without marked habitat specificity, and have life forms and vertical distributions in the forest strata that do not impede their harvest. Such characteristics make these species suitable for the utilization of their natural populations, although further research is necessary to validate this study, particularly on density and stability of populations, as well as the impact of regular harvest on them.
Keywords:—Aroids, Bromeliads, Bolivian Andes, Non-timber forest products.