<- Vasquez & Ibisch 2012 (Article) Dyckia

The bromeliads of Bolivia (XI): Dyckia barthlottii - a new species from the Chaco Dry Forest of Bolivia

Author(s):R. Vasquez & P.L. Ibisch

Corresponding email:rvasquez@cotas.com.bo

Publication:Die Bromelie 2012(3): 123-127. (2012)

Abstract:—In 1993, the first author, together with Germán Coimbra (compare Ibisch 2012), for the first time found a yellow-flowered Dyckia on the riversides of the Río Grande east of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We identified it as D. gracilis Mez – and we were satisfied with this name even after further observations and collections until recently, when we received photographs of a Dyckia with yellow flowers by Dr. John Wood who requested its identification. In the framework of the analysis of the corresponding material it became clear that John Wood had re-recorded Dyckia gracilis , which was described by Mez more than 180 years ago, based on a plant collected by Alcides d’Orbigny during his Bolivian expedition between 1830 and 1833. However, we also noticed that it clearly differed from those plants, which we used to call D. gracilis . Thus, now we hereby propose a corresponding new species.

Published names (1):
Dyckia barthlottii