<- Buneker et al. 2013 (Article) Dyckia

Uma nova espécie reófita de Dyckia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) para a flora do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Author(s):H. Mallmann Büneker & S. Jonas Longhi

Corresponding email:henriquebuneker@mail.ufsm.br

Publication:Revista Brasileira de Biociências 11(3): 284-289. (2013)

Abstract:—(A new rheophytic species of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) for the flora of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). A new saxicolous and rheophytic species of Bromeliaceae (Pitcairnioideae), Dyckia strehliana H. Büneker & R. Pontes, is described and illustrated. Data are provided about its phenology, habitat, geographic distribution and morphological affinities. An identification key to rheophytic species of Dyckia from southern Brazil is also presented.
Key words: Dyckia strehliana sp. nov., Southern Brazil, taxonom

Published names (1):
Dyckia strehliana