Espejo et al. 2013 (Article) Hechtia
A note on the typification of Hechtia galeottii (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae)
Author(s):—A. Espejo-serna & W. Till
Publication:—Phytotaxa 94 (2): 41-48. (2013)
Abstract:—We explain why the lectotypification of Hechtia galeottii proposed by Smith & Downs is inaccurate and in serious conflict with the protologue and should be discarded. Accordingly, we propose a new lectotype and include a more detailed description of the species Hechtia lanata L.B.Sm., a species known only from the southeastern region of Oaxaca, Mexico is neotypified and a complete and updated description is presented. Photographs of the species characteristics and habitat are also included.
Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Hechtia lanata, neotypifi cation, Oaxaca
Taxonomy:—Hechtia galeottii Lectotype designated: C.G. Pringle 6703 (B) (p.43).