Forzza et al. 2012 (Article) Encholirium
Encholirium pulchrum and E. diamantinum spp. nov. (Bromeliaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Author(s):—R.C. Forzza & B.C. Ribeiro
Publication:—Nordic Journal of Botany 30(2): 153–158. (2012) — DOI
Abstract:—Two new species of Encholirium from the Espinha ç o range, restricted to the Diamantina plateau of Minas Gerais state, Encholirium pulchrum Forzza, Leme & O. B. C. Ribeiro and Encholirium diamantinum Forzza, are described and illustrated, and their morphological characters are discussed and compared to those of close relatives.
Published names (2):Encholirium diamantinum
Encholirium pulchrum