Guarconi 2012 (Article) Dyckia
Dyckia inflexifolia (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Brazil
Author(s):—E.A.E. Guarçoni, M.A. Sartori & C.C. de Paula
Publication:—Annales Botanici Fennici 49(5-6): 407-411 (Figs. 13). (2012) — DOI
Abstract:—A new species, Dyckia inflexifolia Guarçoni & M.A. Sartori (Bromeliaceae), is described and illustrated as a species restricted in the ferruginous rocky soils vegetation in the municipality of Sêrro, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species forms a complex with D. ursina and D. sordida, being compared to the latter, to which it appears most closely related
Published names (1):Dyckia inflexifolia