Luther 1993a (Article) Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae (IX)
Author(s):—H.E. Luther
Publication:—Phytologia 74(6): 449-458. (1993)
Abstract:—Based on field and herbarium study, the following new taxa are described: Guzmania kentii, G. rhonhofiana forma variegata, and G. zakii from Ecuador; Guzmania armeniaca from Panama, and Pepinia neglecta from Peru. In addition, Pitcaimia beachiae is transferred to the genus Pepinia, and Pitcaimia pulchella is reclassified as a variety of P. nigra. Miscellaneous New Taxa of Bromeliaceae (VIII) was published in Selbyana 12:68-90. 1991.
Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guzmania, Panama, Peru, Pepinia, Pitcaimia, systematics
Published names (7):Guzmania armeniaca * synonyms or not accepted names are marked
Guzmania kentii
Guzmania rhonhofiana forma variegata
Guzmania zakii
Pepinia beachiae *
Pepinia neglecta*
Pitcairnia nigra var. pulchella