<- Gouda 1986 (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia spiralipetala, a New Small Species from Bolivia

Author(s):E.J. Gouda

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 36(4): 165-166, 177. (1986)

Abstract:—This small Tillandsia species (subgenus Diaphoranthema), first described by Lyman B. Smith as a variety of Tillandsia tricholepis Baker, is a distinct species and distinguishes itself not only by its habit but also by the flower. The plant is relatively short-caulescent, with the leaves in few rows. The leaf blades are not massive as in T. tricholepis, but subulate-involute. The petals are longer than the sepals, and often dark brown. The plant in the picture was collected by C.S. Gouda, near Carhuaz, Anoash, Peru, it shows the twisting petal blades at anthesis with two inflorescences close together.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia spiralipetala