Gouda & Till 1997b (Article) Aechmea
Aechmea maasii: a new species from Brazil
Author(s):—E.J. Gouda & W. Till
Corresponding email:—e.j.gouda@uu.nl
Publication:—Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Bromélias 4(1): 4-9. (1997)
Abstract:—A plant grown at University Utrecht Botanie Gardens, collected by Prof. Dr. P.J.M. Maas (U) from Espirito Santo, Brazil, several years ago, turned out to be a new species. It flowered november 1995 for the fďrst time. Only one plant was availeble. This new species is named in honor to Dr. Maas because of the many interesting plants he collected for the Botanic Garden.
Published names (1):Aechmea maasii