<- Macias ea. 2007 (Article) Pitcairnia

Pitcairnia abundans L.b.sm. (Bromeliaceae): Supplementary Description, Range Extension And Conservation Status Of An Endemic Mexican Plant

Author(s):M.A. Macías-R., E. Sahagún-G. & J.A Lomelí-S.

Publication:Polibotanica 23: 93-100. (2007)

Abstract:—A supplementary description of Pitcairnia abundans is presented based on new specimens collected at or near the type locality in Nayarit and from a new location in Jalisco, which extends its known range about 115 km. We present previously unknown information from fresh flowers, fruits and seeds, as well as phenology of flowering and fruiting. The application of the method for the assessment of extinction risk in Mexican wild species (MER) resulted in endangered status for this species.

Keywords:—Pitcairnia, Bromeliaceae, conservation, extinction, MER, Mexican endemic plants, tropical deciduous forest, Western Mexico.