<- Wendt 2001 (Article) Pitcairnia, Rocky Outcrops

Hybridization and reproductive isolation between four Pitcairnia species in Brazilian rocky outcrops

Author(s):T. Wendt

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 51(2): 73-79. (2001)

Abstract:—Bromeliad species hybridize easily when manipulated by hand (Beadle, 1998), but reported cases of natural hybridization are rare (Luther, 1984; Gardner, 1984). Natural hybridization in plants is a widespread phenomenon, and it has been the focus of various studies over the past several decades (Arnold, 1997). Reproductive isolation mechanisms present substantial barriers that must be overcome if natural hybridization is to occur (Grant, 1981). The reproductive biology of most bromeliad species is unknown. The few studies that have dealt with floral events and pollinator behavior did not determine whether the bromeliads were reproductively isolated, or if there was hybridization between species.

Published names (2):
Pitcairnia albiflos x staminea
Pitcairnia corcovadensis x flammea

Taxonomy:Pitcairnia albiflos x staminea (p.51: 73-79).