Espejo et al. 1993 (Article) Pitcairnia
Neotipificacion de Pitcairnia vallisoletana Lex. (Bromeliaceae)
Author(s):—A. Espejo-Serna, A.R. López-Ferrari & M. Flores-Cruz
Publication:—Acta Botanica Mexicana 23: 53-58.. (1993)
Abstract:—Pitcairnia vallisoletana Lex., a name long neglected in most modern treatments, is neotypified and its status is discused. The relationships of P. vallisoletana with allied species are considered and a key for the identification of the taxa is provided.
Taxonomy:—Pitcairnia vallisoletana Neotype: M. Flores-Cruz, A. R. López-Ferrari and A. Espejo 740 (neotype [here designated]: UAMIZ 29163; isoneotype: ENCB, IEB, UAMIZ 29164, US). (p.55).