Philcox 1992b (Article) Streptocalyx
Notes on South American Bromeliaceae: Corrections
Author(s):—D. Philcox
Publication:—Kew Bulletin 47(3): 544. (1992)
Abstract:—It has been brought to my attention that two of the names published in my recent
paper (Kew Bull. 47: 261-276) are later homonyms, necessitating provision of
two new names. Those proposed are:
Streptocalyx subintegerrimus Philcox, nom. nov.
Streptocalyx laxiflora Philcox, Kew Buil. 47: 263 (1992) non Baker, Handb.
Bromel.: 31 (1889).
Streptocalyx squamiferus Philcox, nom. nov.
Streptocalyx geminiflorus Philcox, Kew Buil. 47: 265 (1992) non Harms, Notizbl.
Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 12: 527 (1935).Published names (2):Streptocalyx squamiferus* * synonyms or not accepted names are marked
Streptocalyx subintegerrimus*
Taxonomy:—Pourretia gigantea non Puya gigantea Philippi, 1865 .