<- Philcox 1992a (Article) Miscellaneous

Notes on South American Bromeliaceae

Author(s):D. Philcox

Publication:Kew Bulletin 47(2): 261-276. (1992)

Abstract:—Summary. Ten species and one variety of bromeliads are described as new and one, previously known from only one collection and incompletely described, is now illustrated.

Published names (11):
Aechmea bromeliifolia var. angustispica *
Aechmea grandibracteata*
Aechmea leppardii*
Araeococcus pseudocatopsis*
Cryptanthus pseudopetiolatus
Cryptanthus ruthae
Portea alatisepala
Portea grandiflora
Streptocalyx geminiflorus*
Streptocalyx laxiflora*
Vriesea pseudoligantha*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked