Versieux & Wanderley 2009b (Article) Vriesea
Vriesea piscatrix (Bromeliaceae): uma nova epífita da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Author(s):—L.M. Versieux & M. das Graças Lapa Wanderley
Publication:—Hoehnea 36(3): 455-458, 2 fig.. (2009)
Abstract:—(Vriesea piscatrix (Bromeliaceae): a new epiphyte from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil). Vriesea piscatrix, a new species related to Vriesea guttata G. Lodd. is described and illustrated. So far it is endemic to the montane
forest patches occurring scattered in “campo rupestre” vegetation of Serra do Cipó.
Key words: grasslands, Espinhaço Range, TillandsioideaePublished names (1):Vriesea piscatrix