Bromeliaceae Literature: Taxonomy
Index: - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - V - W -
Titles are ordered by Subject
Not categorized (3)
- Bois (1896) Atlas des plantes de jardins et d'appartements. , pp.
- Butcher, D. (2006) Synonyms Listed in Smith & Downs Monograph (3 Volumes 1974-79). Bromeliad Society International, 70 pp.
- Gouda, E.J. (2023) New Bromeliaceae species and names published in 2022. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 73(2): 76-93.
Aechmea (48)
- Baker, J.G. (1890) Synopsis of Tillandsieae (continued). Journal of Botany, London, British and Foreign 28: 205-206.
- Aechmea weilbachii var weilbachii forma pendula in Cultivation by Kenneth J. Brown in J Brom Soc 37(3): 125. 1987. .
- Butcher, D. (2005) Aechmea serrata and a problem with misidentifications. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 55(5): 207-209.
- Faria, A.P.G. & Wendt, T. (2004) The real identity of Aechmea turbinocalyx. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 54(6): 279-284.
- Faria, A.P.G. (2006) Revisão taxonômica de filogenia de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subg. Macrochordion (De Vriese) Baker, Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae. Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil, 199 pp.
- Gerard, F. (1848c) Aechmea miniata var. discolor. Portefeuille des horticulteurs; journal pratique des jardins 2: 225-226, pl.
- Goetze, M. Especiação e diversidade genética no subgênero Ortgiesia (Aechmea, Bromeliaceae). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 132 pp.
- Gouda, E.J. (2000) Herontdekking van Aechmea lanjouwii Bromeliaceae. onder het Palmblad 2(5): 18-19.
- Gouda, E.J. (2017) Aechmea paniculata: a large, but not very well known, species from Amazonian Peru
. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66(1): 20-25.
- Gouda, E.J. (2020) A study of Aechmea longicuspis versus Aechmea kuntzeana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 69(3): 16-25.
- Gouda, E.J. (2024) Some Historical and Cultural Notes on the Not Well Known but Spectacular Aechmea latifolia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 74(1): 17-22.
- Gouda, E.J. (2025) Aechmea pittieri a distinct species from Aechmea bracteata. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 74(2): 74-79.
- Grant, J.R. (1996) (1243) Proposal to conserve the name Aechmea distichantha (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae). TAXON 45(3): 547-548.
- Gross, E. (1994) Chevaliera (Aechmea) strobilacea, a monumental species from Ecuador. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(2): 53-57.
- Gross, E. (1997) Aechmea dealbata, worth cultivation but sometimes misunderstood. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(3): 125-126.
- Guess, R. & Guess, V. (2002) Aechmea matudae: a survivor in its natural habitat. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 52(5): 210-215.
- Kuntze, O. (1891) 171. Bromeliaceae. Revis. Gen. Pl 2: 698.
- Leme, E.M.C. (1990) Aechmea alopecurus, once more. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 40(2): 70-71.
- Leme, E.M.C. (1990) Notes on Aechmea flavo-rosea. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 40(6): 261-262.
- Leme, E.M.C. (1992) Aechmea vanhoutteana and its synonyms. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 42(3) 103-108.
- Leme, E.M.C. (1997) Rediscovering Aechmea bicolor. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(1): 8-10.
- Leme, E.M.C. & Silva, B.R. (2002) On the resurrection of Aechmea cariocae L.B. Sm. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 52(6): 262-268.
- Luther, H.E. (1991) Misnamed Bromeliads, N0. 8. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 41(4): 167.
- Luther, H.E. (1992) Misnamed Bromeliads, No 10 Aechmea fulgens and A. miniata. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 42(1): 8.
- Luther, H.E. (1996) Misnamed Bromeliads No. 16: Aechmea capixabae. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 46(3): 122-123.
- Luther, H.E. (1997) Misnamed Bromeliads No. 17: Aechmea eggersii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(2): 75-76.
- Luther, H.E. (1998) Misnamed Bromeliads No. 18: a Trio. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 48(6): 244-246.
- Luther, H.E. (2004) Introducing: Aechmea guaratubensis Pereira. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 53(5): 210.
- Luther, H.E. (2004) Misnamed bromeliads 20: Aechmea candida. Journal of the Bromeliad Socociety 53(6): 288.
- Miyamoto, S.N.A. & Tardivo, R.C. (2013) O género Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae – Bromelioideae) No Estado Do Paraná, Brasil. , 121 pp.
- Miyamoto, S.N.A. & Tardivo, R.C. (2014) Taxonomic note on Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) and the first record of Aechmea triangularis L.B.Sm. in the Paraná State, Brazil. Rodriguésia 65(2): 555-561.
- Pereira, E. & Leme, E.M.C. (1985) Notes from Herbarium Bradeanum No.3: Aechmea alopecurus. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35(5): 215-216.
- Rousse, A. (1998) Color variation in Aechmea aquilega. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 48(5): 232-233.
- Santos T., K.C.C. dos; Romanini, R.P.; Wanderley, M.G.L. & Luz, C.F.P. da (2020) Palynotaxonomy of Aechmea subgenus Ortgiesia (Regel) Mez (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae). Grana 1-29.
- Silva, B.R. & Leme, E.M.C. (1999) Rediscovering Aechmea triticina Mez. , pp.
- Silva, B.R. (2002) Comparação entre espécies amazônicas de Aechmea subg. Chevaliera (Gaudich. ex Beer) Baker e gêneros relacionados (Bromeliaceae). Univ. Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 98 pp.
- Soto D., M.; Pinzón, J.P.; Ramírez M., I.M.; Ramírez D., C.J.; Raigoza, N. (2024) Re-establishment of Aechmea laxiflora (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence, with notes on its geographical distribution. Botanical Sciences 100(1): 1-27.
- Sousa, G.M. & Wanderley, M. das Graças Lapa (2015) A new species of Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon (Bromelioideae-bromeliaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Sousa, G.M. (1996) Estudos taxonômicos do gênero Aechmea em Pernambuco. Univ. de Pernambuco Brazil, pp.
- Sousa, G.M. (2004) Revisão taxonômica de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subg. Chevaliera (Gaudichaud ex Beer) Baker, Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae. Univ. de Sâo Paulo, Brazil, 185 pp.
- Till, W. (1987) Again, Aechmea alopecurus. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 37: 14-15.
- Till, W. (1987) Again, Aechmea alopecurus. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 37(1): 14-15.
- Wendt, T. (1993) Taxonomia das espécies Brazileiras de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subgênero Pothuava. Univ. Federal de Rio de Janeiro Brazil, pp.
- Wendt, T. (2007) Aechmea roberto-seidelii: the correct name for Aechmea guarapariensis. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 57(4): 159-161.
- Wisnev, M.A. & Wiersema, J.W. (2021) Guzmania anae Wisnev nom. nov., a replacement name for Guzmania spectabilis (Mez & Wercklé) Utley, with neotypification of Aechmea spectabilis (Linden ex Galeotti) Brongn. ex Houllet. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 71(3): 140-146.
- Wittmack, L. (1883) Aechmea spectabilis Ad. Brongn. und Bakers Charakteristik der Aechmeen. Garten-Zeitung 2: 159-164.
- Zizka, G. (1991) Report on Aechmea sphaerocephala. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 41(6): 257-259.
- Zizka, G.; Leme, E. & Paule, J. & Heller, S. & Kanz, B. & Matuszak, S. & Weising, K. & Benko-Iseppon, A.M. (2015) Morphology, collections and molecules? results and perspectives. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
Alcantarea (1)
- Leme, E.M.C. (1997) Contributions to the study of the genus Alcantarea - III. Bromélia 4(3): 28-32.
Ananas (6)
- Butcher, D. & Gouda, E.J. (2014) Most Ananas are Cultivars. Bromeliaceae, Journal of the Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc 48(1): 14-16.
- Butcher, D. & Gouda, E.J. (2014) Most Ananas are Cultivars. Newsletter of the Pineapple Working Group, International Society for Horticultural Science 21: 9-11.
- Coppens D’eeckenbrugge, G. & Govaerts, R. (2015) Synonymies in Ananas (Bromeliaceae). Phytotaxa 239(3): 273–279.
- Leal, F. (1990) On the Validity of Ananas monstrosus. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 40(6): 246-249.
- Leal, F.; Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G.R. & Holst, B.K. (1998) Taxonomy of the genera Ananas and Pseudananas, an historical review. Selbyana 19(2): 227-235.
- Lindley, J. (1827) Billbergia iridifolia. Drooping Billbergia. Hexandria Monogynia. Edwards’s botanical register 13: 1068.
Andrea (2)
- Brown, G.K. & Leme, E.M.C. (2005) The re-establishment of Andrea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a monotypic genus from Southeastern Brazil threatened with extinction. Taxon 54(1): 63-70.
- Brown, G.K.; Leme, E.M. (2005) The reestablishment of Andrea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a monotypic genus from Southeastern Brazil threatened with extinction. TAXON 54(1): 63-70.
Androlepis (1)
Anoplophytum (1)
- Morren, E. (1883) Description de L'Anoplophytum amoenum. La Belgique horticole 33: 265-266.
Araeococcus (1)
- Pontes, R.C. & Versieux, L.M. (2018) Rediscovering the rare bromeliad Araeococcus goeldianus L.B. Smith (Bromelioideae) in Brazil and an amendment to its description. Phytotaxa 367(2): 186–190.
Aregelia (1)
Argentina (1)
- Bulacio, E. & Ayarde, H. (2014) Sobre la presencia de Tillandsia schreiteri y T.sphaerocephala (Bromeliaceae) en Argentina. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot 49 (1): 79-83.
Bakerantha (1)
Billbergia (21)
- Barros, J.V. (2006) O gênero Billbergia Thunb. (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 132 pp.
- Butcher, D. (1992) Billbergia fosteriana L.B. Smith by Derek Butcher Sth Australia. Bromeletter 30(2): 10-11.
- Butcher, D. (2002) Billbergia pyramidalis: Search for the Totally Red Petal Form. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 52(4): 172-178.
- Castellanos, A. (1952) Southernmost Record of the Genus Billbergia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 2(6): 51-53, 56, map..
- Castellanos, A. (1954) Deinacanthon Urbanianum and the uses given to it by the Mataco indians. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 4(5): 79-81, 3 fig..
- Castellanos, A. (1954) Uses of the Bromeliaceae. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 4(5): 82-83.
- Fontoura, T. (1994) New synonymies in the genus Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceae). Selbyana 15(2): 79-81.
- Foster, M.B. (1952) Nomenclature clarification, Billbergia vittata Brong versus Billbergia leopoldi. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 2(2): 20.
- Foster, M.B. (1960) A new variety of Billbergia. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 10(4): 50, 58.
- Gaiotto F., D.; Capuano T., R. & Cervi, A.C. (2010) O gênero Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceæ) no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Fontqueria 56(11): 81-100.
- Gouda, E.J. & Wisnev, M.A. (2016) Identity of Billbergia speciosa Thunberg vs. Billbergia elegans Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 65(4): 239-245.
- Lindley, J. (1827) Billbergia iridifolia. Drooping Billbergia. Hexandria Monogynia. Edwards’s botanical register 13: 1068.
- Moonen, J. (2016) A Bromeliad ‘Hotspot’ in French Guiana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 63(3-6): 180-230.
- Morren, E. (1871) Le Billbergia (Helicodea) leopoldi. Belgique Horticole 21: 1-6.
- Rodrigues de M., P.L.; Smedt, & Hjertson, M. (2014) Notes on the Brazilian plants collected by Georg Wilhelm Freyreiss and published by Carl Peter Thunberg in Plantarum Brasiliensium. Harvard Papers in Botany 19(1): 123–132.
- Steyermark, J.A. & Smith, L.B. (1983) Billbergia rosea and B. venezuelana. 33(1): 4-6, 12.
- Steyermark, J.A. & Smith, L.B. (1983) Billbergia rosea and B. venezuelana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(1): 4-6,12.
- Steyermark, J.A. & Smith, L.B. (1983) Billbergia rosea & B. venezuelana. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(1): 4-6, 12.
- Turner, I.M. (2016) Rather for the nomenclaturist than for the scientific botanist: The Botanical Cabinet of Conrad Loddiges & Sons. Taxon 65(5): 1107–1149.
- Wisnev, M.A. (2016) Some rarely seen Puya at the Huntington Botanical Gardens. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 63(3-6): 159-179.
- Wisnev, M.A. (2018) The Confusing Tale of Billbergia saundersii and Billbergia chlorosticta – What is the Correct Name?. Die Bromelie .
Brazil (4)
- Brown, G.K.; Leme, E.M. (2005) The reestablishment of Andrea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a monotypic genus from Southeastern Brazil threatened with extinction. TAXON 54(1): 63-70.
- Gouda, E.J. (2024) Probably a Bigeneric Hybrid from Brazil. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 74(1): 16.
- Moreira, B.A. (2007) Palinotaxonomia da família Bromeliaceae do estado de São Paulo. Instituto de Botânica São Paulo, Brazil, pp.
- Silva, K.R.; Oriani, A.; Versieux, L.M.; Martinelli, A.P. (2023) Can flowers help to disentangle the Vriesea oligantha complex (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae)? Taxonomic implications and contributions to the floral anatomy and biology of Stigmatodon. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society online: boad042.
Bromelia (46)
- Antoine, F. (1884) Atlas zur Phyto-Iconographie dem Bromeliaceen des Kaiserlichen Königlichen Hofburg-Gartens. , pp. Tab. I – XXXV.
- Boerhaave, H. Plantas Americanas digessit Hermannus Boerhaave. Cum tabulis delineatis et sculptis. , pp.
- Böker, A. (2013) Pfui, eine Hybride!. Die Bromelie 2013(2): 97.
- Braun, P.J. (2007) Die Entdeckung von Bromelia horstii in Mato Grosso, Brasilien. Die Bromelie 1/2007: 4-11..
- Brown, G.K. (2017) Bromeliad Systematics - Stepping Back to move Forward. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66(3): 149-159.
- Butcher, D. (2000) Key to the genera of Bromeliaceae. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 50(3): 105-112.
- Cáceres G., D.A.; Schulte, K. & Zizka, G. (2011) Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie, Diversität und Biogeographie der Bromelien Westpanamas. Die Bromelie 2011(2): 82-84.
- Castellanos, A. (1938) Los Generos de las Bromeliaceas de la Flora Argentina. Revista del Centro de Estudiantes del Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales 2: 1-22, 16 pl..
- Espejo-Serna, A. & López-Ferrari, A.R. (1998) The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium Eizi Matuda. Selbyana; journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 19(1): 66-82.
- Forzza, R.C.; Fernandes Monteiro, R. & Zappi, D. (2009) Lectotypifi;cation of Bromelia poeppigii and B. reversacantha. Willdenowia 39: 161-164.
- Foster, M.B. (19??) Terrestrial Bromeliads and their association with cacti and the other succulents. , 16 pp.
- Gilmartin, A.J. (1969) Numerical Phenetic samples of Taxonomic Circumscriptions in the Bromeliaceae. Taxon 18(4): 378-392.
- Givnish, T.J. (2017) WBC 2016 Seminar - One Hundred Million Years of Bromeliad Evolution
. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66(4): 200-225.
- Golinski, K. (cont.upd.) Bromagic world of bromeliads. . (Retrieved DATE).
- Grant, J.R. (1999) A catalogue of the plants named by and in honor of Lyman B. Smith (1904-1997). In: Grant, J.R. - Florilegium Luctatori Botanico Dedicatum - A Tribute to Lyman B. Smith (1904-1997). Harvard papers in botany vol.4: 31-84.
- Gross, E. (1998) The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium of the Institute of Systematic Botany of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Selbyana; journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 19(2): 191-217.
- Harms, H. (1927) Bromeliaceae. In: J. Mildbraed, Plantae Tessmannianae Peruvianae VI. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 10(92): 169-197.
- Koch, K. (1859) Die Bromeliaceen. Aphoristische Studien. (Schluss.). Wochenschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde 2: 156-158.
- Koch, K. (1877) Conspectus generum et subgenerum Bromeliacearum. In: Appendix quarta ad Indicem Seminum Horti botanici Berolinensis anni 1873. C. Feisteri, Berlin, pp.
- Leme, E.M.C. & Siquera Filho, J.A. (2007) Bromeliad Taxonomy in Atlantic Forest Fragments of Pernambuco and Alagoas. In: Siquera & Leme - Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads. Book chapter 191-381.
- Leme, E.M.C. & Siquera Filho, J.A. (2007) Taxonomic Considerations Correlated with the Bromeliaceae of Pernambuco and Alagoas. In: Siquera & Leme - Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads. Book chapter 383-407.
- Lindeman, J.C.S. (1989) The Guianas. Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries 376-390.
- Lindley, J. (1853) The Long-Leaved Bromelia. Paxton’s flower garden 2: 138-140 T.65.
- Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species plantarum, ed. 1. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, 1–560 pp.
- Luther, H.E. (1982) Bromelia scarlatina. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32(6): 265, 284.
- Mondragón C., D.M., Ramírez M., I.M., Flores C., M. & García F., J.G. (2011) La familia Bromeliaceae en México. DR © Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, 103 pp.
- Monteiro, R.F. & Forzza, R.C. (2016) Typification of Bromelia karatas, the type of the genus Bromelia (Bromeliacea. Taxon 65(5): 1101–1106.
- Moroni, P.; Martínez, A.; Nadra, M.G.; O'Leary, N. (2021) Back to the starting point: Revised typifications of Linnaean names based on Plumier's Nova plantarum Americanarum genera. TAXON 70(3): 660-669.
- Neighbors, M.L. (1977) Bromelia alsodes St. John a taxonomic Whodunit. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 27(5): 195-200.
- Oliva-Esteve, F. (2006) Mountain plants of Venezuela - The coastal range, the Andes and the tepuis - Bromeliads. Oliva-Esteve Productions, 340 pp.
- Parkhurst (2000) The book of bromeliads and Hawaiian flowers. , pp.
- Ribeiro, O.B.C. (cont.upd.) The Forgotten Biomes of Brazil. . Brazilian_Forgotten_Biomes.htm (Retrieved DATE).
- Rousse, A. & Rousse, P. (1992) Bromelia humilis color variations. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 42(3): 126-127.
- Smith, L.B. & Kress, W.J. (1990) New genera of Bromeliaceae. Phytologia; designed to expedite botanical publication 69(4)271-274.
- Smith, L.B. (1956) Notes on Bromeliaceae VIII. Phytologia 5(9): 401-403.
- Smith, L.B. (1961) Are they Bromeliads. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 11(6): 92-93.
- Smith, L.B. (1988) New Key to the Genera of the Bromeliaceae. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63: 403-411.
- Taylor, M.S. (1989) Plant Taxa Described by Julian A. Steyermark. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76: 652-780.
- Till, W. (1986) Fortschritte in der Bromelientaxonomie. Die Bromelie 1/86: 9-10.
- Till, W. (1986) Ergänzungen zum Artikel: Fortschritte in der Bromelientaxonomie. Die Bromelie 3/86: 33.
- Till, W. (1994) The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium of the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. Selbyana 15(1): 94-111.
- Till, W. (1995) Some unremembered type specimens of Bromeliaceae in East German herbaria. Linzer biologische Beiträge 27(1): 413-421.
- Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt..
- Versieux, L.; Lavor, P. & Nogueira, M. & Machado, T. & Magalhães, Á.T.E. & Medeiros, A. & Alves, P. & Sousa, V. & Luz, C. & Santos,V.Conceição, Abel; van Den Berg, Cássio; Oliveira, Reyjane; Paggi, Gecele; Coffani-Nunes, João; Costa, Andrea; Jac (2015) Advances in the taxonomy and floristics of Brazilian Bromeliaceae, a collaborative perspective of selected case studies. In: Benko-Iseppon, A.M.; Alves, M. & Louzada, R. (2015) An overview and abstracts of the First World Congress on Bromeliaceae Evolution. Rodriguésia 66(2): A1-A66. , pp.
- Wanderley, M.G.L. (1984) Contribuiçâo à palinotaxonomia da família Bromeliaceae. Univ. de São Paulo Brazil, pp.
- Watson, L. & Dallwitz, M.J. (cont.upd.) The Families of Flowering Plants: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval.
. . (Retrieved DATE).
Bromeliaceae (37)
- Antoine, F. (1884) Atlas zur Phyto-Iconographie dem Bromeliaceen des Kaiserlichen Königlichen Hofburg-Gartens. , pp. Tab. I – XXXV.
- Boerhaave, H. Plantas Americanas digessit Hermannus Boerhaave. Cum tabulis delineatis et sculptis. , pp.
- Böker, A. (2013) Pfui, eine Hybride!. Die Bromelie 2013(2): 97.
- Brown, G.K. (2017) Bromeliad Systematics - Stepping Back to move Forward. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66(3): 149-159.
- Butcher, D. (2000) Key to the genera of Bromeliaceae. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 50(3): 105-112.
- Cáceres G., D.A.; Schulte, K. & Zizka, G. (2011) Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie, Diversität und Biogeographie der Bromelien Westpanamas. Die Bromelie 2011(2): 82-84.
- Castellanos, A. (1938) Los Generos de las Bromeliaceas de la Flora Argentina. Revista del Centro de Estudiantes del Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales 2: 1-22, 16 pl..
- Espejo-Serna, A. & López-Ferrari, A.R. (1998) The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium Eizi Matuda. Selbyana; journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 19(1): 66-82.
- Foster, M.B. (19??) Terrestrial Bromeliads and their association with cacti and the other succulents. , 16 pp.
- Gilmartin, A.J. (1969) Numerical Phenetic samples of Taxonomic Circumscriptions in the Bromeliaceae. Taxon 18(4): 378-392.
- Givnish, T.J. (2017) WBC 2016 Seminar - One Hundred Million Years of Bromeliad Evolution
. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66(4): 200-225.
- Golinski, K. (cont.upd.) Bromagic world of bromeliads. . (Retrieved DATE).
- Grant, J.R. (1999) A catalogue of the plants named by and in honor of Lyman B. Smith (1904-1997). In: Grant, J.R. - Florilegium Luctatori Botanico Dedicatum - A Tribute to Lyman B. Smith (1904-1997). Harvard papers in botany vol.4: 31-84.
- Gross, E. (1998) The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium of the Institute of Systematic Botany of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Selbyana; journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 19(2): 191-217.
- Harms, H. (1927) Bromeliaceae. In: J. Mildbraed, Plantae Tessmannianae Peruvianae VI. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 10(92): 169-197.
- Koch, K. (1859) Die Bromeliaceen. Aphoristische Studien. (Schluss.). Wochenschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde 2: 156-158.
- Koch, K. (1877) Conspectus generum et subgenerum Bromeliacearum. In: Appendix quarta ad Indicem Seminum Horti botanici Berolinensis anni 1873. C. Feisteri, Berlin, pp.
- Leme, E.M.C. & Siquera Filho, J.A. (2007) Bromeliad Taxonomy in Atlantic Forest Fragments of Pernambuco and Alagoas. In: Siquera & Leme - Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads. Book chapter 191-381.
- Leme, E.M.C. & Siquera Filho, J.A. (2007) Taxonomic Considerations Correlated with the Bromeliaceae of Pernambuco and Alagoas. In: Siquera & Leme - Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads. Book chapter 383-407.
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Encholirium (1)
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Errata (1)
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Neumannia (1)
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Ochagavia (2)
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Orthophytum (9)
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Pseudalcantarea (1)
Pseudaraeococcus (1)
Puya (15)
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Quesnelia (4)
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Racinaea (2)
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Renealmia (1)
Ronnbergia (1)
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Schlumbergeria (1)
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Stigmatodon (1)
Streptocalyx (1)
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Subfamily (1)
Systematics (1)
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Terminology (1)
Tillandsia (129)
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Vriesia (1)
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Werauhia (3)
Wittmackia (2)
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