Bromeliaceae Literature: Nomenclature
- Beadle, D. (1991) A preliminary listing of all known cultivar and grex names for Bromeliaceae. .
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- Butcher, D. (1982, 1986) Hybridist's handbook and checklist of Australian bromeliad hybrids and cultivars. .
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- Chevalier, C. & Chevalier, C. (1942) Catalogue des Broméliacées (exsiccata et plantes vivantes). Collections de botanique systématique de l'Université de Liège, Belgium, 126 pp.
- Grant, J.R. & Zijlstra, G. (1998) An annotated catalogue of the generic names of the Bromeliaceae. Selbyana; journal of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 19(1): 91-121.
- Grant, J.R.; Leme, E.M.C. & Roguenant, A. (2002) Vriesea minarum L.B. Sm., the correct name for Tillandsia citrina Baker. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 52: 155–156.
- Holmgren, P.K. ; Holmgren, N.H. & Barnett., l.C. (1990) Index Herbariorum, 8th ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York .
- Klein V., L.F. (2011) The Tillandsia species from Rio Grande do Sul: a passion. Die Bromelie 2011(1): 16-23.
- Linnaeus, C. (1759) Systema naturae v.2. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, pp. 825–1384.
- Luther, H.E. Amendments in Checklist of Mexican Bromeliaceae by Espejo et al, in Selbyana 25(1): 33-86. .
- Luther, H.E. (1998) An Alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - VI. Bromeliad Society International, pp.
- Luther, H.E. (2000) An Alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - VII. Bromeliad Society International, 118 pp.
- Luther, H.E. (2001) De Rebus Bromeliacearum III. Selbyana 22(1): 34-67..
- Luther, H.E. (2004) An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - IX. 9th edition.
- Luther, H.E. (2006) An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials. .
- Luther, H.E. (2008) An Alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - XI. Bromeliad Society Int. USA, 110 pp.
- Luther, H.E. (2010) An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - XII. .
- Luther, H.E. (2012) An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - XIII. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota & Bromeliad Society Int. USA, 45 pp.
- Luther, H.E. (2014) An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials - XIV. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota & Bromeliad Society Int. USA, 41 pp.
- Luther, H.E. & Rabinowitz, L. (2010) De Rebus Bromeliacearum IV. Selbyana 30(2): 147-189.
- Luther, H.E. & Sieff, E. (1997) De Rebus Bromeliacearum II. Selbyana 18(1): 103-148..
- Mabberley, D.J. (1984) Pallas's Buckthorn and two and a half centuries of neglected binomials. Taxon 33(3): 433-444.
- Marks, K (2009) An Alphabetical list of Bromeliad Synonyms. Bromeliad Society International, 78 pp.
- Pontes, R.A.S. (2005) Bromeliaceae da floresta atlântica no estado do Paraíba, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico, Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 80 pp.
- Schimper, A.F.W. (1888) Die epiphytische Vegatation Amerikas. In: Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen, Heft 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena, pp.
- Till, W. (1986) Was ist Tillandsia ehrenbergii?. Die Bromelie 1986(3): 39-41.
- Till, W. (2009) Under Aechmea, A. vallerandii is the correct name for Streptocalyx poeppigii. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 59(3): 114-115.
- Vidal, U.A. (1995) A família Bromeliaceae na Reserva Ecológica Rio das Pedras, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil, pp.
- Weber, W. (1986) Species Novae Bromeliacearum III: Cryptanthys osiris. Cryptanthus Soc. J 1(1): 7-8.
Total: 30