Bromeliaceae Literature: Books
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- Nicholson, G. (Ed.) (1901) Century Supplement to the Dictionary of Gardening -
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- Napp-Zinn, K.; Schmidt, R. & Genscher, H. (1978) Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen an petaloiden Hochblättern. I. Bromeliaceen. Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany, 87 pp.
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- Tomlinson, P.B. (1969) Bromeliaceae. In: Metcalfe, C.R. (ed) - Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. At the Clarendon Press, Oxford UK, pp. 193–294.
Bromeliad Travel
- Wawra von Fernsee, H. (1888) Itinera principum S. Coburgi. Die botanische Ausbeute von den Reisen ihrer Hoheiten der Prinzen von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. - Vol. 2: Reise der Prinzen August und Ferdinand nach Brazilien (1879). C. Gerold's Sohn, Wien, pp.
Check list
- Wercklé, C. (1909) La Subregion, Fitogeográfica Costarricense. Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura de Costa Rica, San José, 55 pp.
- Baensch, U. & Baensch, U. (1994) Blooming Bromeliads. Tropic Beauty Publishers (Nassau, Bahamas) & Tetra Verlag (Melle, Germany), 272 pp.
- Bartholomew, D.P.; Paull, R.E. & Rohrbach, K.G. (2003) The pineapple: botany, production and uses. CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and New York USA, 301 pp.
- Beauman, F. (2005) The pineapple, king of fruits. Chatto & Windus, London UK, 315 pp.
- Bromeliad Society of Queensland (2007) Starting with bromeliads - a guide to the growing of bromeliads. Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc., Australia, 100 pp.
- Chekanova, V.N.; Korovin, S.E. (2000) Bromelii : rasteniia proshlogo, nastoiashchego i budushchego. Nauchno-populiarnaia literatura (Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk) Nauka, Moscow Russia, 223 pp.
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- Cuzenic, S.; Lévêque, D. (2005) Tillandsias & autres Bromeliacées. Les Editions Eugen Ulmer, Paris France, 96 pp.
- Dimmitt, M. (1994) Bromeliads - a cultural manual. Bromeliad Society Inc. USA, 44 pp.
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- Foster, M.B. (1977) Bromeliads - a cultural handbook. Bromeliad Society Inc. USA, 104 pp.
- Gross, E. (1992) Schöne Tillandsien. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany, 93 pp.
- Gugenhan, E. (1983) Bromelien. Kosmos-Florarium, Stuttgart Germany, 80 pp.
- Guignolini, L. (1988) Le Bromeliacee, guida alla loro conoscenze e coltivazione. Ed. Il Vantaggio, Firenze Italy, 150 pp.
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- Innes, C. (1988, 1994) Air plants and other bromeliads. London UK, 64 pp.
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Total: 264