Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5
Elton Leme - Picture Donor
Born: 24 August 1960 Address: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro eMail: leme@tjrj.jus.br Brom.Career: Bromeliad career: On weekends and holidays, Judge Elton Leme, travels to hard-to-reach places with little or no infrastructure. His goal, however, is not just to relax, away from the bustle of the metropolis, but to explore forests seeking new Bromeliad species. As a self-taught botanist who works for the Tribunal of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, he has searched for plants since adolescence and made his first description of a new bromeliad species at the age of 19.
In an on-going process, he has already described about 500 new species and it seems that he is far from finished.
Elton has written several books about bromeliads - 'Bromeliads in the Brazilian wilderness' (1993 as first author), his 3 volume serie ' Canistrum' (1997), 'Canistripsis' (1998), 'Nidularium (2000) and Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil' (2007 as coauthor).
His work has encouraged many young botanists to begin a career in researching bromeliads.
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Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5
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