Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5

<- Charles Dills - Picture Donor

Born:20-04-1922Image of Charles Dills
Brom.Career:Amateur. My wife and I saw a Puya blooming in a commercial garden and were fascinated by it. I believe it was P. alpestris. We started to collect them and became hooked. We joined the Brom-l list to get information. She has a BS and an MS in Biology so she understood a lot of the terminology that I had to learn. I started a web page so I had a place to put pictures of my plants when they bloomed with the idea that it would help me to rename them after I “lost” the name tags. This has proved to be a major problem and this method has only partially solved it. I’m pleased that others seem to like the page.

Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5

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