
<- Vriesea vexata Leme[as Vriesea vexata ]
Diagnose: —This new species is morphologically similar to Vriesea lancifolia (Baker) L.B. Sm., but differs from it by its shorter size when flowering (ca. 23 cm vs. ca. 70 cm tall), peduncle bracts longer than the internodes (vs. distinctly shorter than the internodes), shorter inflorescence (ca. 5 cm vs. 8-15 cm long), which is densely flowered (vs. laxly flowered), and larger floral bracts (17-20 mm vs. 8-12 mm long).

Edited from : Leme 2017. (protologue) Revision of the Lithophytic Vriesea Species of Minas Gerais, Brazil - Part VII: a new species from the summit of Pico da Aliança .