
<- Orthocryptanthus (subgen. of Orthophytum) Leme, S. Heller & Zizka[as Orthocryptanthus (subgen. of Orthophytum) ]
Diagnose: —Diagnosis: This new subgenus differs from Orthophytum subg. Orthophytum mainly by petals without appendages (vs. bearing well developed appendages), stamens distinctly unequal (vs. equal to subequal), stigma simple-patent or simpleerect (vs. simple-dilated), without papillae (vs. conspicuously papillate), sepals as long as the fruit to 1.2 times longer (vs. 1.3–3 times as long as the fruit), and larger seeds (2–3 × 1–2 mm vs. 1.5–2 × 0.6–1 mm).

Observations: —Orthophytum subg. Orthocryptanthus along with Orthophytum subgg. Capixabanthus and Krenakanthus form a weakly supported clade, being however highly supported as sister to Orthophytum subgg. Clavanthus and Orthophytum (fig. 5). In relation to Orthophytum subgenera in general, subg. Orthocryptanthus differs by its petals lacking appendages (vs. basal appendages well developed), stamens distinctly unequal in length (vs. equal to subequal), stigma simple-patent or simple-erect (vs. simple-dilated), without papillae (vs. conspicuously papillate), sepals equaling the fruit length to slightly longer (up to 1.2 times vs. 1.3–3 times fruit length), and larger seeds (2–3 × 1–2 mm vs. 1.5–2 × 0.6–1 mm). The shared long caulescent habit in some species of subg. Capixabanthus (O. pseudovagans, O. vagans, and O. zanonii) justifies a closer comparison between them as follows: subg. Orthocryptanthus differs from those three species, besides the characteristic mentioned above, by its central leaves usually concolorous or sometimes the inner ones turning reddish but not forming a colorful ring around the inflorescence (vs. basal portion of the central leaves and primary bracts turning reddish or bright red, forming a colorful ring around the inflorescence), petals acute, subspreading-recurved at anthesis and forming an open, fan blade-like corolla at anthesis (vs. obtuse-cucullate, suberect and forming a subclavate, subtubular corolla), and the pollen sulcus with small exine elements which predominantly remain coherent and attached to the sulcus margins (vs. exine elements not attached to the sulcus margins), lumina width of reticulum decreasing slightly towards margins (vs. reticulum characteristically formed by broad and flat muri with lumina or faveolae significantly decreasing in size towards the sulcus margins and apices, being almost psilate).

Subg. Orthocryptanthus can be differentiated from subg. Krenakanthus by distinct morphological features, like coriaceous leaves (vs. leaves in most part chartaceous), leaf blades densely white lepidote at least abaxially (vs. glabrescent or glabrous), margins straight (vs. undulate), flowers 16–25 mm long (vs. 42–55 mm long), petals lanceolate to narrowly obovate (vs. broadly spathulate), without appendages (vs. bearing cupuliform appendages), blades conspicuously narrower (4.5–5 mm vs. 15–20 mm wide), remaining erect after anthesis (vs. flaccidescent afterwards), stamens not deeply included and partially visible at anthesis (vs. deeply included and not visible), stigma simple-patent or simple-erect (vs. conduplicate-spiral), persistent sepals equaling fruit length to 1.2 times longer than the fruit (vs. 2.5–3.5 times longer). Both subgenera occur in the same region, although Krenakanthus colonizes a different habitat, being a typical Atlantic Forest dweller (see figs. 15 C and 16 B, J).

The long caulescent habit of Orthophytum subg. Orthocryptanthus is also observed in some species of Hoplocryptanthus. Besides the distinct geographical range of this new subgenus (i.e., mesoregion of the Rio Doce valley vs. the Iron Quadrangle and in neighboring areas), it differs from Hoplocryptanthus by having free petals (vs. connate), bearing glandular callosities (vs. glabrous callosities), stamens distinctly unequal in length (vs. equal), filaments not forming a concrescent structure with petals and style (vs. forming such a basal concrescent structure), stigma simple-patent or simple-erect, without papillae (vs. cylindric-distent, papillate), and by larger (2–3 × 1–2 mm vs. 1.5–2 × 1–1.5 mm) and much less seeds (3–8 vs. 35–75 in number).

Edited from : Leme et al. 2017b. (protologue) New circumscription of Cryptanthus and new Cryptanthoid genera and subgenera (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on neglected morphological traits and molecular phylogeny .